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VCBS Organization

The VCBS is overseen by of a Board of Directors.

The Board membership includes the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, the chairs of the Standing Committees, and members of the Society who wish to serve on the Board.

Standing Committees conduct the business of the Society under the direction of a member of the Board of Directors.

Bridge-Watch Areas: Because nearly all of Vermont's covered bridges are owned by the towns in which they are located, the Vermont Covered Bridge Society in its mission to preserve covered bridges has an outreach policy for towns and communities where the covered bridges are located.

In pursuit of this policy, the Society organizes Bridge-watch Areas. The purpose is to promote covered bridge preservation by helping to organize the taxpaying, voting residents who can go to their municipal governments to advocate the maintenance and preservation of the covered bridges in their towns.

A Bridge-Watch area is presided over by a Bridge-watch Area Chairperson who is a resident of the area. The Bridge-watch Area Chairperson acts as group leader for his or her Bridge-Watch Area. The chairperson is responsible for establishing relationships with the bridge owners of record in that area. The Chapter Chairperson is a member of the Board of Directors.

Society members, as part of an organized Bridge-Watch Area, or independently if the Area is not organized, may volunteer to adopt-a-bridge to work directly with a town or other covered bridge owner with clearing brush, sweeping, painting, fire proofing, removing graffiti, while conforming to the town's requirements for traffic control and insurance against personal injury. Society members will also keep watch against vandalism.

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