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Kingsley Covered Bridge Grand Reopening Ceremony

Beth Brown-Limmer
Rutland County Bridge-Watch Chair


Kingsley Covered Bridge by Jim Ligon June 2024
Kingsley Covered Bridge - Photo courtesy of Jim Ligon
Thanks photo
Thanks Alpine - Photo courtesy of Jim Ligon
Google Map of Vermont with state seal


The restoration of the Kingsley Covered Bridge in East Clarendon is nearly finished! Grand Reopening and Ribbon cutting Celebration is scheduled for Thursday, July 25, 2024 from 5-7PM.

Everyone is invited!

To be held at the Kingsley Historic District, adjacent to the covered bridge.

Organized by neighbors, Clarendon Historical Society, and VCBS, it will feature a cook-out, non-alcoholic beverages, and friendly banter. All free of charge.

Ribbon cutting and comments by Sen. Brian Collamore and other elected officials will be at 5:30.

Come out to thank the Alpine Construction crew for a fabulous restoration of this only remaining covered bridge in Clarendon!

Questions? Contact Beth Brown-Limmer


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