The Cambridge Junction Covered Bridge (Poland Bridge) suffreed damage to the siding, torsion rods, and abutments during the July 2023 flood, forcing the bridge to be closed until repairs could be completed.
The Town of Cambridge has hired Blow and Cote to make the necessary repairs to the bridge. After delays with permits, the siding has been reinstalled and torsion rods have been addressed. However, the abutment repairs need to be performed while the river is at a lower level. The weather recently hasn't allowed crews to access the abutments, due to above normal rainfall. We're hoping for some drier so these repairs can be made, sooner rather than later.
The bridge has been opened to pedestrian traffic only. Vehicular traffic is still prohibited.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Eric Boozan,
Marcel and Jeanne Beaudry visited Cambridge Junction Bridge on September 25th and report that abutment work has begun. Our thanks to them for providing these pictures to document the most recent activity.