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Waterford Covered Bridge - Serious But Stable

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April 5, 2014 Waterford, PA - The Waterford covered bridge has been assessed and has been found to be in need of repairs. As the title says, the bridge is in serious but stable condition. The bridge is currently closed. Repairs are currently scheduled to begin in 2015.

Federal, state, township officials and engineers recently evaluated the bridge and have proposed changes to the deck and superstructure. They are also recommending overhead bars to protect the low clearance approaches. Security lighting and cameras are also being suggested. All these suggestions will be evaluated by Pennsylvania DOT and Pensylvania Museum and Historical Commission.

The Waterford Bridge (38-25-04), also known as the Brotherton covered bridge, is located on Niemeyer Road and crosses the LeBoeuf Creek. The bridge is 77 feet long and was built by Charles and James Phelps in 1875 using a Town lattice truss. There are only 2 covered bridges remaining in Erie county.

The following web link contains the full from the Erie Times News: Waterford Covered Bridge Diagnosed as Serious but Stable.

[Our thanks to Tom Keating for sharing the story - Ed.]

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