September 16, 2014 Windham, ME - Police are investigating recent vandalism at Babb's coverd bridge. According to reports, holes have been cut in the roof to allow people to jump off the roof into the Presumpscott River below. Given the bridges history of vandalism, the fear is that someday the integrity of the structure could be compromised.
Babb's Covered Bridge (19-03-01) is located on Covered Bridge Road and crosses the Presumpscott River. The bridge is 79 feet long and uses a Queenpost truss. The bridge was first built in 1843. It was destroyed by fire in and 1973 and was rebuilt in 1976.
The following web link from the Bangor Daily News contains the full story: Vandals cut holes in roof of landmark covered bridge in Windham.
[Our thanks to Tom Keating for sharing the story - Ed.]