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Update on Moscow bridge - April 28, 2010

WGN IN-70-07

Google map of Indiana with seal


Here are two recent messages from Larry Stout -- our thanks to him and all the good folks involved for keeping us informed - James Crouse

According to conversation last night with someone who talked to the contractor, the bridge "might" be lifted on Thursday (29th). Again, nothing definite. There will be 2 cranes used instead of one. I will let you all know as soon as I find out. So check your emails on a regular basis.

Also check our festival website for festival info and photo of the framed span #1. The schedule of events will be added to the site later this week.

Larry Stout


Just got a call that the contractor's wife called to say that the cranes will be arriving at 7 a.m. Thursday morning to lift the bridge. Not sure how long it will take. Was told that lifting of a smaller bridge was done in a few hours; however, this bridge "should" or "could" take longer. So you might not want to wait until noon to come down to see it. It could still be going on but then it might be over by then. Observe from the west (Moscow) side and park up toward the church and festival grounds. Don't park on any of the neighbor's property. You can park in the festival lot if you wish. We will have a port-a-pot at the festival grounds for Thursday only for this event. Spread the word!

Larry Stout

[Our thanks to James Crouse for forwarding this story - Ed.]

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