Hi, In the summer of 2007, the Gareau Bridge (61-46-01) was reported gone. Many pictures were taken showing crane and workers dismantling the bridge.
A span has been removed and placed on land. The roof, most of the siding and the floor have been removed from the other spans but was still on piles at the time pictures were taken. This is a remote area and I never got news about that bridge for the past 2 years. Last week, Pascal Conner, a friend drove there to see the site without the bridge. He was very surprised to see the same thing seen in 2007. Half of the bridge is still standing over the river and the other span is still in the wood. A very interesting thing to see even if the bridge is no longer covered and close to being scraped.
To see more pictures of the Gareau bridge use the address given below. Choose blogue sur les ponts couverts (top of the page and middle of the page). In French but the one using Google can have a "so so" translation. This site is operated by the one who found the "new" Gareau Bridge.
Gerald Arbour
[The 180-foot Powerscourt Bridge was built in 1861 using the McCallum truss to cross the Chateauguay River in two spans - Ed.]