MOSCOW, Ind.,June 29, 2009 - For those of you that didn't see the front page of Saturday's Indianapolis Star.
After 1 year and 21 days, we have reached our $1.4 million goal to rebuild the Moscow bridge without any taxpayer dollars. Nearly $1 million of this is like-kind ... donated timber from the state forests, materials, labor, etc.
Cashwise, we have raised over $102,000 before this year's festival plus the $355,486 grant.. And we are still serching money for overrides and other unforseen costs.
And, as you can see, Democrats and Republicans can work together to get a job done, such as this case of Gov. Daniels and Jim Schellinger taking on the project TOGETHER.
By the way, we sold more than $120 worth of t-shirts last year; we sold 500 of them, making a profit of $3,500. And I am not the county historian, and, no, it wasn't my birthday ... but the cake was good anyway.
For Saturday's Indianapolis Star story, go to:
[Our thanks to Jim Crouse and Tom Keating for forwarding this story - Ed.]