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Mechanic Street Bridge Reopened

WGN 29-04-06

New Hampshire State Map with Seal


Lancaster, NH, December 7, 2006 - The Mechanic Street Bridge was opened to traffic Wednesday morning with a small group of happy celebrants. The bridge had been closed for two years due to safety issues.

Repairs cost $750,000, with the New Hampshire Department of Transportation providing $600,000, the Town paying the rest.

Rated for 6 tons, the bridge stands east of US Rte 2 & 3 on Mechanic Street. The 94-foot structure was built in 1862 using the Paddleford Truss to span the Israels River. According to New Hampshire Covered Bridges - A Link With Our Past, the original cost is unknown.

Mechanic Street Bridge - Liz Keating
Mechanic Street Bridge WGN 29-04-06
Photo by Liz Keating
September 18, 2005


[Thanks to Ann Ovitt for forwarding this news to us - Ed.]

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