Johnson, VT, June 4, 2001 - Attendance by Selectboard Members Daryl West, Brad Reed, Blaine Delisle, and Eric Osgood. Rosemary Audibert Town Clerk, Senator Susan Bartlett, Representative Mark Woodward, and Robert C. Philbrook from the News and Citizen.
Senator Bartlett announced she was successful in getting $250,000.00 into the AOT budget for the purpose of reconstructing the Power House Covered Bridge.
Our meeting was for the purpose of selecting a contractor to place guardrails on the bridge so we could open it back up to traffic. We had only one bid submitted. Before the board opened the bid, they discussed what was a comfortable amount for this temporary option of opening the bridge for traffic with the knowledge it would be for about 10 months to a year time period. The board felt 12 to 15 thousand would be a reasonable cost. We then opened the bid from Blow & Cote, their bid was for $29,520.00. The board decided to leave the bridge closed and not place guard rails, but to move quickly on the bidding process to rebuild the covered bridge.
From here, the board agreed to let Road Commissioner and Selectman Blaine Delisle draft a letter of intent to AOT, and draft a notice for bid.
Thanks must be extended to both our Senator and Representative for the work they did for securing this money.
Eric T. Osgood
Select Board Chair