Wed, 13 Jun 2001 - Good Morning, Vermont! Pat Cook, who is a member of The Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society, was gracious enough to share these photos with us from their recent trip to Canada. I asked if she would mind if I forwarded them to you for your site and she was delighted. These are very sad photographs, however. You can see where the Keenan-Monquart bridge is smoldering. How very, very sad.
Trish Kane
The 86-foot Keenan Bridge spanned the Monquart River in Carlton County New Brunswick. Built in 1927 it used the Howe Truss. It is listed in the World Guide as 55-02-08
The St. Nicholas River Bridge in Kent County, New Brunswick was lost to fire in the morning of February 26, 2001. The 504-foot Howe Truss span was built in 1919, the second longest bridge in Canada. The World Guide number is 55-05-08. For more information on the loss of the bridge, go to the N.S.P.C.B. Spring 2001 Newsletter on this web site.