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Covered Bridges on the St.J&LC Railroad

by Timothy Phelps

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November 1, 2004 - Joe, Attached is a zip archive containing a number of photos of Covered Bridges on the St.J&LC Railroad. The two pictures from the wayside of train passing through Fisher Bridge were taken by my father, Richard Phelps, in the summer of 1967, the first year of Pinsley operation of the railroad. As I had noted, this was before the steel structure was put beneath the original bridge to allow heavier locomotives to operate. I was taking an 8 mm color movie of the same train as my dad took these B&W still photos.

The two "on train" pictures are in my photograph collection, and are from a friend who had ridden the mixed train across the line in the early 1950s. I am not sure of the identity of the two bridges in these pictures.

The steam era photograph was from an old magazine article, and I believe is of a bridge near Hardwick.

StJ & LC RR Wolcott Engines by Richard Phelps, 1967
St Johnsbury & Lamoille County Railroad's
Fisher Bridge [45-08-16]
Photo by Richard Phelps, 1967
Timothy Phelps Collection
Unknown covered bridge from train 1
Unidentified covered bridge photographed from train
Timothy Phelps Collection
Steam era photograph of covered bridge near Hardwick, VT
Steam era photograph of covered bridge near Hardwick, VT
Timothy Phelps Collection
StJ & LC RR Wolcott Caboose by Richard Phelps, 1967
St Johnsbury & Lamoille County Railroad's
Fisher Bridge [45-08-16]
Photo by Richard Phelps, 1967
Timothy Phelps Collection
Unknown covered bridge from train 2
Unidentified covered bridge photographed from train
Timothy Phelps Collection
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