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Willis Leggett and the Willis Leggett Bridge

Google map of Quebec with coat of arms


November 18, 2001
Mr. Nelson: Was surfing the net and came upon your web site that included the following pictures of the Wellis Leggett Bridge, Compton County 61-18-09. This bridge was arsoned on July 8 or 9, 2001. (See photos of Leggett Bridge by Elmer Jackson in NSPCB Newsletter, Fall 2001 issue on this website.)

It so happens Mr. Willis Leggett was my uncle and can remember this bridge being built when the old one was destroyed by a flood. The property above the bridge was owned by Willis Leggett. The government builder was a Frenchman who stayed at the Leggett home. I have photo of the bridge when it was to be opened after road fill. My greatest worry is the new bridge amount of damage was done. Is there any possible way to contact Elmer Jackson?

Brendan Larrabee

November 18, 2001
Dear Mr. Larrabee: I'm afraid that no one will ever make connection with Elmer Jackson. Elmer passed away in 1977. Phyllis his wife still lives in North Andover Mass. and will be 90 years old this coming December.

As far as the photo on the web site or in the Newsletter, I must say that I am responsible for the release of these photos. Elmer was a very good friend of mine. Several years before he passed away, after probing and coaxing me to take over the publication of the Connecticut River Valley Covered Bridge Newsletter. I finally took over the CRV. Elmer had the forethought to realize that he was sick and decided to pass on his collection of covered bridge material. I am sure it was not an easy decision. The CRV merged with the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges Inc. in 1989. Between the two groups, now actually the National since the merge. I believe that we have accumulated the largest amount of photographs and slides in the nation. Mr. Richard Sanders Allen author of many books on the subject and an authority on the subject, donated to the NSPCB, 10,000 negatives and 40,000 photographs of covered bridges.

There are several people working on the NSPCB Archives. We hope someday to have a permanent place to display this material. I hesitate to give you Phyllis's address or phone number. I personally believe that she will not know who you are at this point. If you really want them, let me know, I will send along. Phyllis also gave her slides to me several years after Elmer passed away.

When I heard of the Willis Leggett Bridge being burned. I immediately sent photos to Joe Nelson and to the Newsletter Editors. Their first issue just came out in September. I believe that they will do a very good job.

I, and Joseph Nelson, who runs the Web Site that you visited and is responsible for this site, would be very interested in any information that you would have concerning this bridge.

If you wish to contact me concerning this bridge, please address to dickroycb1@

You realize that there is a Quebec Covered Bridge Society. Another good friend, Gerald Arbour, from Longueuil, Quebec, began this Society about 20 years ago, and would also be very glad to hear more about the bridge.

If you are looking for photographs of this bridge, I believe that there are more in Elmer's Collection.

Yours in Bridging,
Dick Roy

Willis Leggett, Bridge Builder Photo from Elmer Jackson Collection © N.S.P.C.B.
Willis Leggett, Bridge Builder
Photo from Elmer Jackson Collection
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