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Sayre Covered Bridge

WGN 45-09-06

January 22, 2022 - VCBS member Andy Behrens has made us aware of some damage to the Sayer Covered Bridge. Nick Clark with reported on the damage. The full article is republished below with permission.

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Thetford, VT

What truck struck Sayre bridge?

Where did it come from, and where did it go?

Nick Clark January 19, 2022 1 min read
Sayer Covered Bridge-Truck approach damage

What appears to be a white Freightliner Coronado struck the Sayre covered bridge in Thetford Center on Friday, January 14th, 2022 at 3:23pm. You may have already seen this news in the Thetford Police Department's Press Release, on Facebook, or even on Daybreak this morning. However, the Police Department is still asking the public for help in identifying the vehicle.

Officer Rogers believes that the truck may have aftermarket black exhaust stacks, fuel tanks, and headlight trim.

The truck was traveling north on Tucker Hill Road when it struck the bridge. A relatively small portion of the south-end wooden fascia was damaged. Unfortunately, while the damage to the north-end fascia was less severe, it did break the newly-installed landmark sign in half.

Sayer Covered Bridge-Truck approach damage

The bridge was repaired this past April after a box truck struck it.

Sayer Covered Bridge-Truck approach damage

The truck turned east onto Route 113 and proceeded over Thetford Hill where it was captured by a second home security camera.

"It is our hope that someone from the public might recognize the truck logo, or the shipment itself. It is certainly possible that additional residential cameras captured additional images of the logo or license plate,” Officer Rogers said over email.

If you have any information, please contact Officer Rogers at


Editors note: Our thanks to Andy Behrens for bringing this article to our attention. Thanks also to Nick Clark for granting permission to republish his article.

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