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Kingsley Covered Bridge Rehabilitation Plans

WGN 45-11-03


Google Map of Vermont with state seal


March 26, 2021 Clarendon, Vermont — Anita Larkin Ford has shared an update about the Kingsley Covered Bridge on The Covered Bridge Experience Facebook group. Staff Writer Keith Whitcomb with the Rutland Herald is reporting on some planning progress for the rehabilitation of this bridge.

Keith reported that "The Select Board voted unanimously Monday to accept a scoping proposal that will allow the Agency of Transportation (AOT) to move forward with planning for the bridge’s temporary closure and rehabilitation."

The work is not expected to begin for another two years. When the project begins the bridge is expected to be closed for approximaetly eight months. Josif Bicja with Hoyle, Tanner, and Associates reported that the work will involve repair some members, strengthen some members, or do some replacements on select areas.” The bridge be rated with a twelve ton capacity.

Click here for the full article: Plans for Kingsley Covered Bridge take shape.

Kingsley Covered Bridge Photo by Peter Cosgrove
Kingsley Covered Bridge
Photo by Peter Cosgrove


Editors note: Thanks to Anita Larkin Ford for bringing this to our attention in The Covered Bridge Experience Facebook group.

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