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Bennington Museum Covered Bridge Presentation

A Look at the Covered Bridges in the Museum's Collection


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Bennington October 12, 2020 - At the invitation of Deana Mallory of the Bennington Museum, Steve Miyamoto gave a presentation on the museum's covered bridge collection.

The museum collection features five covered bridge paintings: the Chiselville (45-02-05), the Henry (45-02-02#2), the Governor Robinson (45-02-10x), the Old Red (45-02-09x), and the High (45-04-31x) covered bridges. Each of these bridges was explored with background material and factual information provided for each bridge.

During the presentation some basic background information on covered bridges in general was covered. Also included were some basic details on bridge construction with a focus on the Town Lattice truss.

We thank Deana and the museum for giving us the opportunity to share some of our knowledge with the viewers and for the promotion of the Vermont Covered Bridge Society.

Here is a link to the presentation courtesy of the Bennington Museum:


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