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Arthur A. Smith CB Vote Postponed

WGN 21-06-03#2

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June 21, 2020, Colrain, Massachusetts - Mary Byrne of the Greenfield Reporter is reporting an update on the status of the Arthur A. Smith Covered bridge.

The Colrain Annual Town Meeting was held outdoors this year. An article to reopen the bridge to motor vehicles was on the warrant. After much discussion and a rain storm, the vote had to "postponed indefinitely" The meeting was quickly adjourned.

At this time the bridge will continue to be open to "pedestrians, motorcycles, and snowmobiles".

Click here for the complete story from the Greenfield Reporter: Colrain Town Meeting voters postpone covered bridge vote.

The Arthur A. Smith Covered Bridge was built in 2006. It was built using some materials from the previous bridge (21-06-03). The 98 foot long bridge was built with a Burr truss across the North River in the Town of Colrain.

This article was shared by Anita Larkin Ford on The Covered Bridge Experience Facebook group - Ed.

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