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Update on Moscow bridge - April 3, 2010

WGN IN-70-07

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Channel 13 in Indianapolis will have a special (30 minutes, I think) next Wednesday, April 7) beginning at 8 p.m. on tornados in Indiana. Covering 1925 tornado, Palm Sunday tornado and the 2008 tornado that took down the Moscow bridge.

Myself, Rush County Commissioner Marvin Cole (who lives just up the road from the bridge) and builder Dan Collom were interviewed a few weeks ago. Don't know how much of Moscow will be included but we will be in there somewhere.

Check out State Helps Splintered Community By Resurrecting Moscow Bridge for a story that was in this week's paper on the bridge. Paper had 2 photos. Website shows a different photo. Perhaps if you play around on the website, you can see the other 2.

One of the 2 sections has been completed or nearly so. Plans are to get crane out to lift it in place. We are supposed to be given a week's notice so that we can notify media and everyone that we can think of. Haven't gotten that call yet but talked to Marvin this morning and he said that sheriff's department will be bringing scales out to weigh the bridge perhaps today or very soon. Then they might be bringing in the crane next week. If that is true, then our week's notice may be less than a week. I will keep checking on this to let you know. After #1 is in place, they will start on #2. Then another crew will come in to put flooring, etc. in #1.

If I recall correctly, cost for the crane is $12,000 per day. Could be cheaper to finish both sections and bring it in than making 2 trips; however, time wise in getting the project done, 2 trips will probably be the way to go. As you can see, we are still raising money.

Dan still says it can be done by June 4 (start of 25th annual - and final - festival). We all have our doubts but are planning a dedication service during the festival on Saturday, June 5, beginning probably around 1 p.m., following 12 noon parade. We will have a dedication service but may not have the reopening as it will have to be inspected after completed. Reopening may be a few weeks later. Hope not. Be nice to do it all at one time.

Of course, that makes it difficult for us to plan dedication service. In order to get key people (governor, Sen. Lugar, Indianapolis Colts, etc.) have have been involved in this project, we need to notify them several weeks ahead of time so their schedules remain open). That is why we are planning June 5 for the dedication. But, without knowledge of whether it will be open by then for traffic (foot or vehicles), we can't plan a band on the other side like it was in 1886. (If we have the band, it will be on the Moscow side). We also can't get various groups (antique car clubs, motorcycle clubs, etc.) to go thru the bridge. So we are searching for ideas. We do have a festival meeting at 1 p.m. tomorrow (April 3) at Don Miller's resident outside of Moscow if anyone wants to come down and share ideas.

All for now,
Larry Stout

[Our thanks to James Crouse for forwarding this story - Ed.]

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