Wed., 17 Nov. 2000
From: Pat Kane
To: Joe Nelson
Subject: Good Morning from Chilly NY!
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2000 06:44:28 -0500
Hi, Joe!
Any snow in Vermont yet?
I received these photos from Marie Penino this week and thought you might like see what has been happening with the Copeland Covered Bridge. The folks in Edinburg are working so very hard and should be commended for all their efforts. Their "Buy a Share of History" campaign is doing well, and as you can see, it is beginning to pay off. Their bridge is finally being restored.
Although a contractor has been hired to do the work, what is especially heart warming is how much some of the folks in Edinburg are pitching in and volunteering their time and talents to help restore this bridge. It really is wonderful to see a community all working together to preserve a piece of their heritage! The Edinburg Historical Society and the residents of Edinburg still have a long way to go, but they can sure be very proud of what they have accomplished so far. Another one of our bridges is being saved! What a really good feeling that is!
Have a good day, to you soon.
Warmly, Bob and Trish